Management Is Dead

The 5 Keys to Unlock Employee Retention, Skyrocket ROI, and Lead a Revolution
Management is Dead: The 5 Keys to Unlock Employee Retention, Skyrocket ROI, and Lead a Business Revolution is for every leader whose company has stalled and their employee’s have checked out. Chris Heaslip & Matt Tresidder sit down together to share the five foundational principles of people development that created a billion dollar company.
58 Course Chapters

This course is built on the 5 foundations of “Management is Dead” of People Development. 1. 1-on-1 Meetings 2. Recognizing Unique Strengths 3. Giving Effective Feedback 4. Setting Clear Goals 5. Personalized Growth Plans According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2022 Report, just 33% of workers feel they are thriving, and a paltry 21% of employees are actually engaged at work. Employee stress? That's at an all-time high. The old way of management is dead. The new way is people development. In the old way — people management — employers treat employees as commodities to be harvested. Gallup statistics show that workplace wellbeing is the top imperative. In fact, another Gallup statistic estimates that, “the cost of replacing an individual employee can range from one-half to two times the employee's annual salary” Key: “Fifty-two percent of voluntarily exiting employees say their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job.” People don’t leave companies, they leave managers. That’s why people's development is so important. In this course invite you to become part of the business revolution that Chris & Matt used to bring a start-up into a publicly traded billion dollar company in under ten years. This course Management is Dead: The 5 Keys to Unlock Employee Retention, Skyrocket ROI, and Lead a Business Revolution accompanies their book and study guide of the same title.

Course Trailer

Course Table of Contents

What You'll Learn

  • The importance of redefining leadership & mission
  • The high value of investing in employees
  • How to recognize and call out unique strengths
  • How to develop personal growth & career plans
  • Keys to effective goal setting that skyrocket success.
  • How to build alliances with your employees through weekly 1-on-1 meetings
  • Major elements of communication and building culture
  • How to pivot your company towards a people development culture.

Course Edition Details

Leadership Edition

Leadership Edition

Includes Digital Study Guide
Management is Dead: The 5 Keys to Unlock Employee Retention, Skyrocket ROI, and Lead a Business Revolution is for every leader whose company has stalled and their employee’s have checked out. Chris Heaslip & Matt Tresidder sit down together to share the five foundational principles of people development that created a billion dollar company.

Additional Items Included in the Edition:

Management Is Dead Digital Study Guide

Management Is Dead Digital Study Guide

About the Guides

Chris Heaslip

Chris Heaslip

Co-Founder of Pushpay
Chris is a dedicated entrepreneur with more than 15 startups under his belt, the latest being the highly […]
Matt Tresidder

Matt Tresidder

CEO & Co-Founder of Leadr
Matt Tresidder is Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder at Leadr, a digital workspace that builds effective […]